Alkemio - het kloppende hart van het innovatielandschap (dutch)
Background: the Dutch Government now has a policy of “open source, unless” since April 2020. Broadly speaking, this is aiming to ensure that as much of the software used within and created by public sector organisations in The Netherlands is open source - unless there are very clear reasons not to do so.
Alkemio is proud to be contributing as a practical example of how to do open source in a societal innovation context. Perhaps more importantly we are also keen to share our learnings on the challenges / barriers faced in our journey thus far.
The above mentioned article, together with our Founding Partner Digicampus, was publised to the Open Source community established by the Dutch Ministry of Intenal Affairs (Ministerie BZK) on this topic.
Some important points and learnings raised - if you are keen to discuss / connect further please reach out!